Top 10 Augmented Reality Startups in India

Top 10 Augmented Reality Startups in India

1. Whodat Tech

FoundersKaushik Das, Sriram Ganesh
FocusAR, Mixed Reality (MR) solutions
Key OfferingsAR content creation tools, interactive AR experiences
Unique Selling PointEnhancing retail, marketing with AR technology
Whodat tech-Top 10 Augmented Reality Startups in India
  • Founders: Kaushik Das, Sriram Ganesh
  • Founded: 2013
  • Headquarters: Bengaluru
  • Focus: Whodat Tech specializes in Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) solutions. They provide AR content creation tools and interactive AR experiences for retail, marketing campaigns, and entertainment sectors. Their technology enhances user engagement by overlaying digital information onto the real world through smartphones and other devices.

2. Imaginate

FoundersHemanth Satyanarayana, Snigdha Kulkarni
FocusAR, VR for enterprise, consumer applications
Key OfferingsNuSpace platform for remote collaboration, training
Unique Selling PointFacilitating remote collaboration through AR
Imaginate-Top 10 Augmented Reality Startups in India
  • Founders: Hemanth Satyanarayana, Snigdha Kulkarni
  • Founded: 2011
  • Headquarters: Hyderabad
  • Focus: Imaginate is a leading AR and Virtual Reality (VR) startup in India. They develop immersive solutions for enterprise and consumer applications, including remote collaboration, training simulations, and virtual tours. Their platform NuSpace facilitates remote collaboration using AR, enhancing communication and productivity.

3. Scapic

FoundersAjay P.V., Sai Krishna V. K.
FocusNo-code platform for AR, VR content creation
Key OfferingsE-commerce, retail, marketing AR solutions
Unique Selling PointEasy creation and deployment of AR experiences
Scapic-Top 10 Augmented Reality Startups in India
  • Founders: Ajay P.V., Sai Krishna V. K.
  • Founded: 2017
  • Headquarters: Bengaluru
  • Focus: Scapic offers a no-code platform for creating AR and VR experiences. They cater to industries such as e-commerce, retail, and marketing, enabling businesses to build and deploy immersive content easily. Scapic’s platform supports interactive 3D content creation, helping brands engage customers with visually rich experiences.

4. Tesseract Imaging

FoundersKshitij Marwah, Raghavender Sahdev
HeadquartersNew Delhi
FocusAR, VR for healthcare, education, industrial apps
Key OfferingsMedical imaging, simulation-based training
Unique Selling PointSpecialized AR solutions for medical training
Tesseract-Top 10 Augmented Reality Startups in India
  • Founders: Kshitij Marwah, Raghavender Sahdev
  • Founded: 2015
  • Headquarters: New Delhi
  • Focus: Tesseract Imaging specializes in AR and VR solutions for healthcare, education, and industrial sectors. They focus on medical imaging and simulation-based training using immersive technologies. Their applications include virtual surgery training, patient education, and anatomical visualization, enhancing learning and medical procedures.

5. AugRay

FoundersNeelay Vasa, Pavan Palety
FocusAR for retail, advertising, education
Key OfferingsInteractive AR experiences, virtual try-ons
Unique Selling PointEnhancing customer engagement through AR
Augray-Top 10 Augmented Reality Startups in India
  • Founders: Neelay Vasa, Pavan Palety
  • Founded: 2014
  • Headquarters: Chennai
  • Focus: AugRay develops AR solutions for retail, advertising, and education. They create interactive AR experiences that blend digital content with the physical environment, enhancing customer engagement and marketing effectiveness. AugRay’s technology is used for virtual try-ons, product visualizations, and interactive advertising campaigns.

6. ZapWorks

FoundersSimon Taylor, Caspar Thykier
HeadquartersUK (Operations in India)
FocusAR content creation platform
Key OfferingsAR experiences for retail, gaming, entertainment
Unique Selling PointComprehensive AR content creation tools
Zapworks-Top 10 Augmented Reality Startups in India
  • Founders: Simon Taylor, Caspar Thykier
  • Founded: 2010
  • Headquarters: UK (Operations in India)
  • Focus: ZapWorks provides a comprehensive AR content creation platform. They empower developers and brands to create AR experiences across various sectors including retail, gaming, and entertainment. ZapWorks supports the creation of interactive AR content, AR games, and marketing campaigns, driving user engagement and brand interaction.

7. Blippar

FoundersAmbarish Mitra, Omar Tayeb
HeadquartersUK (Global presence including India)
FocusAR, computer vision
Key OfferingsAR solutions for advertising, retail, education
Unique Selling PointAdvanced AR technology for real-world interaction
Blippar-Top 10 Augmented Reality Startups in India
  • Founders: Ambarish Mitra, Omar Tayeb
  • Founded: 2011
  • Headquarters: UK (Global presence including India)
  • Focus: Blippar is a technology company specializing in AR and computer vision. They offer AR solutions for advertising, retail, and education, allowing users to interact with real-world objects through mobile devices. Blippar’s AR technology enhances consumer experiences by providing contextual information and immersive content overlays.

8. Mirrorsize

FoundersSoumajit Bhowmik, Nayan Kumar
FocusAR for fashion, retail
Key OfferingsVirtual fitting rooms, AI-driven size recommendations
Unique Selling PointImproving online shopping experience with AR
Mirrorsize-Top 10 Augmented Reality Startups in India
  • Founders: Soumajit Bhowmik, Nayan Kumar
  • Founded: 2016
  • Headquarters: Bengaluru
  • Focus: Mirrorsize provides AR solutions for the fashion and retail industries. They offer virtual fitting rooms and AI-driven size recommendations using AR technology. Mirrorsize’s solutions enable customers to try on clothes virtually, enhancing the online shopping experience and reducing return rates for retailers.

9. Adloid

FoundersAman Raj, Karam Lakshman
HeadquartersNew Delhi
FocusAR, VR for e-commerce, retail
Key OfferingsVirtual try-on experiences, product visualization
Unique Selling PointEnhancing shopping experience with AR
Adloid-Top 10 Augmented Reality Startups in India
  • Founders: Aman Raj, Karam Lakshman
  • Founded: 2017
  • Headquarters: New Delhi
  • Focus: Adloid specializes in AR and VR solutions for e-commerce and retail sectors. They provide virtual try-on experiences and product visualization tools that allow customers to interact with products in real-time using AR. Adloid’s technology aims to improve customer engagement, increase sales conversions, and enhance the overall shopping experience.

10. Vebbler Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

FoundersSahil Bhagat, Akash Bhatia
FocusAR for social media, digital marketing
Key OfferingsAR filters, lenses, interactive overlays
Unique Selling PointEngaging AR experiences for social platforms
Vebbler technologies-Top 10 Augmented Reality Startups in India
  • Founders: Sahil Bhagat, Akash Bhatia
  • Founded: 2013
  • Headquarters: Bengaluru
  • Focus: Vebbler Technologies develops AR solutions for social media and digital marketing. They offer AR filters, lenses, and interactive overlays for enhancing social media content and brand campaigns. Vebbler’s AR technology enables users and businesses to create engaging and shareable AR experiences, driving user interaction and brand visibility.

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