At Entrepreneur Live (, we are dedicated to delivering accurate and current information to our valued readers. However, we acknowledge that occasional errors or outdated content may occur. Rest assured, we are fully committed to promptly addressing any necessary corrections or updates.
If you happen to spot any inaccuracies, outdated information, or typographical errors on our website, we encourage you to notify us so that we can rectify the situation. Please follow the outlined process below:
- Email: Kindly send us an email at, providing a detailed description of the error or outdated information you’ve come across. Be sure to include the specific URL of the page or the title of the article where the correction is needed. Our dedicated team will thoroughly review your message and take appropriate action to address the issue.
- Supporting Evidence: Whenever possible, please furnish any supporting evidence such as credible sources, official statements, or relevant documentation to bolster your correction request. This will aid us in validating the information and ensuring accurate updates.
- Verification and Rectification: Upon receipt of your correction request, our team will conduct a comprehensive review and verification process. If the information is indeed found to be inaccurate or outdated, we will promptly take the necessary steps to rectify it. This may involve updating the content, providing clarifications, or issuing an editor’s note, depending on the nature of the correction.
- Notification: Upon approval and implementation of your correction request, we will notify you via email or other suitable means. We sincerely appreciate your assistance in upholding the accuracy and reliability of our content.
At Entrepreneur Live, we are steadfast in upholding the highest editorial standards and greatly value the vigilance of our readers in helping us maintain them. Your feedback is invaluable in ensuring the integrity of our news coverage. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation in keeping Entrepreneur Live a trusted source of information.