Top 10 Language Learning Startups in India

Top 10 Language Learning Startups in India

Language learning startups leverage technology to create innovative solutions for learning languages. These companies often use mobile apps, artificial intelligence, gamification, and community-driven models to enhance the language learning experience.


Languages OfferedMultiple Indian and foreign languages (e.g., Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, French, Spanish)
Learning MethodLive online classes, interactive sessions
Key ToolsBot trainer, quizzes, doubt-solving sessions
Platform AvailabilityiOS, Android
Subscription ModelFree basic courses, premium courses for in-depth learning
Target AudienceGeneral learners, school students, professionals
Unique Selling PointLearning at one’s own pace with interactive tools
FounderAnuradha Agarwal
Rating4.3 stars on Play Store
Learner BaseOver 1.5 million learners
SourceStartupTalky, EntrepreneurGuild
Multibhashi-Top 10 Language Learning Startups in India

Multibhashi is a language learning platform that offers courses in multiple Indian and foreign languages, including Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, French, and Spanish. The platform provides live online classes, interactive sessions, and various tools like bot trainers and quizzes to facilitate learning.

Key Features:

  • Languages Offered: Multiple Indian and foreign languages.
  • Learning Method: Live online classes, interactive sessions.
  • Key Tools: Bot trainer, quizzes, doubt-solving sessions.
  • Platform Availability: iOS, Android.
  • Subscription Model: Free basic courses, premium courses for in-depth learning.
  • Target Audience: General learners, school students, professionals.
  • Unique Selling Point: Learning at one’s own pace with interactive tools.
  • Founder: Anuradha Agarwal.
  • Learner Base: Over 1.5 million learners.

Unique Selling Points: Multibhashi allows learners to learn at their own pace with interactive tools such as a bot trainer and quizzes, making it a flexible and engaging platform for language learning

Multibhashi offers courses in multiple Indian and foreign languages, providing live online classes and interactive learning sessions. It supports learning at one’s own pace with various tools and features.

2.Hello English:

Languages OfferedEnglish
Learning MethodGamified learning modules, voice recognition, interactive exercises
Key ToolsOffline mode, progress tracking
Platform AvailabilityiOS, Android
Subscription ModelFree basic access, premium features available
Target AudienceBeginners to advanced learners
Unique Selling PointGamified modules and interactive exercises
RatingHighly rated
Hello English-Top 10 Language Learning Startups in India

Hello English, is an English learning app designed to teach English through gamified learning modules, voice recognition, and interactive exercises. It is suitable for learners at all levels and offers an offline mode for continuous learning without internet access.

Key Features:

  • Languages Offered: English.
  • Learning Method: Gamified learning modules, voice recognition, interactive exercises.
  • Key Tools: Offline mode, progress tracking.
  • Platform Availability: iOS, Android.
  • Subscription Model: Free basic access, premium features available.
  • Target Audience: Beginners to advanced learners.
  • Unique Selling Point: Gamified modules and interactive exercises.
  • Founder: CultureAlley.
  • Rating: Highly rated.

Unique Selling Points: The app’s use of gamified modules and interactive exercises makes learning fun and engaging, enhancing motivation and retention

This popular app teaches English through gamified learning modules, voice recognition, and interactive exercises. It’s designed for learners at all levels and offers an offline mode.


Languages OfferedEnglish
Learning MethodLive classes, adaptive lessons
Key ToolsCertified teachers, interactive sessions
Platform AvailabilityiOS, Android
Subscription ModelFree basic access, premium classes for advanced learning
Target AudienceProfessionals, students
Unique Selling PointFocus on practical English skills and professional communication
RatingHighly rated
Enguru-Top 10 Language Learning Startups in India

Enguru is an English learning platform that offers live classes with certified teachers and adaptive lessons tailored to the learner’s proficiency level. It focuses on practical English skills and professional communication.

Key Features:

  • Languages Offered: English.
  • Learning Method: Live classes, adaptive lessons.
  • Key Tools: Certified teachers, interactive sessions.
  • Platform Availability: iOS, Android.
  • Subscription Model: Free basic access, premium classes for advanced learning.
  • Target Audience: Professionals, students.
  • Unique Selling Point: Focus on practical English skills and professional communication.
  • Rating: Highly rated.

Unique Selling Points: Enguru’s focus on practical English skills and professional communication makes it particularly valuable for learners looking to improve their job-related language abilities​

Enguru offers live classes with certified teachers and adaptive lessons tailored to the learner’s proficiency level. It is known for its focus on practical English skills and professional communication.

4.Language Curry:

Languages OfferedHindi, Punjabi, Marathi, other Indian languages
Learning MethodInteractive lessons, cultural integration
Key ToolsCommon phrases, cultural tips
Platform AvailabilityiOS, Android
Subscription ModelFree basic version, premium version for full access
Target AudienceGeneral learners, travelers
Unique Selling PointIntegration of cultural context with language learning
RatingHighly rated
Language Curry-Top 10 Language Learning Startups in India

Language Curry specializes in teaching Indian languages such as Hindi, Punjabi, and Marathi. The platform integrates cultural tips and common phrases to enhance the learning experience.

Key Features:

  • Languages Offered: Hindi, Punjabi, Marathi, other Indian languages.
  • Learning Method: Interactive lessons, cultural integration.
  • Key Tools: Common phrases, cultural tips.
  • Platform Availability: iOS, Android.
  • Subscription Model: Free basic version, premium version for full access.
  • Target Audience: General learners, travelers.
  • Unique Selling Point: Integration of cultural context with language learning.
  • Rating: Highly rated.

Unique Selling Points: The app’s integration of cultural context with language learning makes it unique, providing learners with a holistic understanding of the language

Specializing in Indian languages such as Hindi, Punjabi, and Marathi, Language Curry integrates cultural tips and common phrases to enhance the learning experience.

5.Voxy India:

Languages OfferedMultiple languages (e.g., English, Spanish, French)
Learning MethodAI-driven lessons, real-life scenarios
Key ToolsPersonalized content, progress tracking
Platform AvailabilityiOS, Android
Subscription ModelPaid subscription
Target AudienceCorporate training, professionals, general learners
Unique Selling PointPersonalized AI-driven lessons and professional development courses
FounderGregg Carey, Paul Gollash
RatingHighly rated
Voxy India-Top 10 Language Learning Startups in India

Voxy uses AI-driven lessons and real-life scenarios to personalize the learning experience. It offers corporate training solutions and courses tailored to professional development.

Key Features:

  • Languages Offered: Multiple languages (e.g., English, Spanish, French).
  • Learning Method: AI-driven lessons, real-life scenarios.
  • Key Tools: Personalized content, progress tracking.
  • Platform Availability: iOS, Android.
  • Subscription Model: Paid subscription.
  • Target Audience: Corporate training, professionals, general learners.
  • Unique Selling Point: Personalized AI-driven lessons and professional development courses.
  • Founder: Gregg Carey, Paul Gollash.
  • Rating: Highly rated.

Unique Selling Points: Voxy’s AI-driven personalized lessons and professional development courses make it stand out, especially for corporate training and professional growth

Voxy uses AI-driven lessons and real-life scenarios to personalize the learning experience. It offers corporate training solutions and courses tailored to professional development.


Languages OfferedOver 100 languages
Learning MethodOne-on-one lessons with native speakers
Key ToolsFlexible scheduling, community features
Platform AvailabilityiOS, Android, Web
Subscription ModelPay-per-lesson
Target AudienceLearners seeking personalized and direct interaction with tutors
Unique Selling PointAuthentic conversational practice with native speakers
FounderKevin Chen, Yongyue Jiang
RatingHighly rated
iTalki-Top 10 Language Learning Startups in India

iTalki connects learners with native-speaking tutors for personalized one-on-one lessons. It offers a wide range of languages and flexible scheduling options, emphasizing conversational practice.

Key Features:

  • Languages Offered: Over 100 languages.
  • Learning Method: One-on-one lessons with native speakers.
  • Key Tools: Flexible scheduling, community features.
  • Platform Availability: iOS, Android, Web.
  • Subscription Model: Pay-per-lesson.
  • Target Audience: Learners seeking personalized and direct interaction with tutors.
  • Unique Selling Point: Authentic conversational practice with native speakers.
  • Founder: Kevin Chen, Yongyue Jiang.
  • Rating: Highly rated.

Unique Selling Points: Direct interaction with native speakers provides authentic conversational practice, making iTalki a valuable platform for language learners​

iTalki connects learners with native-speaking tutors for personalized one-on-one lessons. It offers a wide range of languages and flexible scheduling options, emphasizing conversational practice.


Languages OfferedMultiple languages (e.g., Spanish, French, Chinese)
Learning MethodReal-world videos, interactive subtitles
Key ToolsVocabulary lists, personalized quizzes, immersive content
Platform AvailabilityiOS, Android, Web
Subscription ModelPaid subscription
Target AudienceLearners looking for engaging, real-life content
Unique Selling PointImmersive learning through authentic videos
FounderAlan Park
RatingHighly rated
SourceStartupTalky, RepublicPost
FluentU-Top 10 Language Learning Startups in India

FluentU uses real-world videos like movie clips and news to teach languages. It provides interactive captions and quizzes to enhance language acquisition through contextual learning.

Key Features:

  • Languages Offered: Multiple languages (e.g., Spanish, French, Chinese).
  • Learning Method: Real-world videos, interactive subtitles.
  • Key Tools: Vocabulary lists, personalized quizzes, immersive content.
  • Platform Availability: iOS, Android, Web.
  • Subscription Model: Paid subscription.
  • Target Audience: Learners looking for engaging, real-life content.
  • Unique Selling Point: Immersive learning through authentic videos.
  • Founder: Alan Park.
  • Rating: Highly rated.

Unique Selling Points: FluentU’s immersive learning through engaging, real-life video content makes the learning process enjoyable and effective​

This platform uses real-world videos like movie clips and news to teach languages. It provides interactive captions and quizzes to enhance language acquisition through contextual learning.

8.Step by The Hindu:

Languages OfferedEnglish
Learning MethodInteractive video lessons, mini-games
Key ToolsProgress tracking, reliable tests, free daily content
Platform AvailabilityiOS, Android
Subscription ModelFree basic content, premium courses for different audiences
Target AudienceStudents, job-seekers
Unique Selling PointLearn from experts with interactive tools
FounderThe Hindu Group
RatingHighly rated
Step by The Hindu-Top 10 Language Learning Startups in India

Step by The Hindu is an English learning app that uses interactive video lessons, mini-games, and reliable tests to improve English skills. It tracks progress and offers premium courses for various audiences.

Key Features:

  • Languages Offered: English.
  • Learning Method: Interactive video lessons, mini-games.
  • Key Tools: Progress tracking, reliable tests, free daily content.
  • Platform Availability: iOS, Android.
  • Subscription Model: Free basic content, premium courses for different audiences.
  • Target Audience: Students, job-seekers.
  • Unique Selling Point: Learn from experts with interactive tools and progress tracking features.
  • Founder: The Hindu Group.
  • Rating: Highly rated.

Unique Selling Points: Learning from experts with interactive tools and progress tracking features makes Step by The Hindu a unique and effective platform for English learners

This app focuses on improving English skills through interactive video lessons, mini-games, and reliable tests. It tracks progress and offers premium courses for various audiences.


Languages OfferedEnglish
Learning MethodOne-on-one practice with live experts
Key ToolsLive calls, anonymous identity for practice, recording revisions
Platform AvailabilityiOS, Android
Subscription ModelFree video lessons, premium one-on-one sessions
Target AudienceGeneral learners, professionals
Unique Selling PointPersonalized practice environment with live experts
RatingHighly rated
EngVarta-Top 10 Language Learning Startups in India

EngVarta provides one-on-one English practice sessions with live experts over phone calls, allowing learners to practice speaking in a friendly environment. It also offers free video lessons and practice tips.

Key Features:

  • Languages Offered: English.
  • Learning Method: One-on-one practice with live experts.
  • Key Tools: Live calls, anonymous identity for practice, recording revisions.
  • Platform Availability: iOS, Android.
  • Subscription Model: Free video lessons, premium one-on-one sessions.
  • Target Audience: General learners, professionals.
  • Unique Selling Point: Personalized practice environment with live experts.
  • Rating: Highly rated.

Unique Selling Points: EngVarta’s personalized practice environment with live experts and the ability to maintain anonymity during practice sessions make it stand out​

EngVarta provides one-on-one English practice sessions with live experts over phone calls, allowing learners to practice speaking in a friendly environment. It also offers free video lessons and practice tips.


Languages OfferedEnglish
Learning MethodPersonalized content, audiobooks, reading challenges
Key ToolsAge-appropriate content, progress tracking, badges, and points
Platform AvailabilityiOS, Android
Subscription ModelCost-effective tuition
Target AudienceChildren aged 3-12
Unique Selling PointBuilding confidence and reading skills through engaging and fun features
RatingHighly rated
Freadom-Top 10 Language Learning Startups in India

Freadom is designed for children aged 3-12 and focuses on building confidence and reading skills through personalized content, audiobooks, and reading challenges. The app is engaging and fun, making learning enjoyable for young learners.

Key Features:

  • Languages Offered: English.
  • Learning Method: Personalized content, audiobooks, reading challenges.
  • Key Tools: Age-appropriate content, progress tracking, badges, and points.
  • Platform Availability: iOS, Android.
  • Subscription Model: Cost-effective tuition.
  • Target Audience: Children aged 3-12.
  • Unique Selling Point: Building confidence and reading skills through engaging and fun features.
  • Founder: Stones2Milestones.
  • Rating: Highly rated.

Unique Selling Points: Freadom’s focus on young learners and its engaging, personalized content make it a unique and effective platform for building reading skills and confidence in children​

Designed for children aged 3-12, Freadom is an English reading app that uses personalized content, audiobooks, and reading challenges to build confidence and reading skills in English.

FAQs Top 10 Language Learning Startups in India

1. Multibhashi

Q: What languages does Multibhashi offer?
A: Multibhashi offers courses in multiple Indian and foreign languages including Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, French, and Spanish.

Q: Is there a free version of Multibhashi?
A: Yes, Multibhashi offers free basic courses, with premium courses available for more in-depth learning.

Q: Can I have live sessions with native speakers on Multibhashi?
A: Yes, Multibhashi provides live online classes and interactive sessions with native speakers.

Q: Which platforms is Multibhashi available on?
A: Multibhashi is available on iOS and Android.

Q: What makes Multibhashi unique?
A: Multibhashi allows learners to learn at their own pace with interactive tools such as a bot trainer and quizzes.

2. Hello English

Q: How does Hello English teach English?
A: Hello English uses gamified learning modules, voice recognition, and interactive exercises.

Q: Is Hello English suitable for beginners?
A: Yes, Hello English is designed for learners at all levels, including beginners.

Q: Can I use Hello English offline?
A: Yes, Hello English offers an offline mode for learning without internet access.

Q: What is the subscription model for Hello English?
A: Hello English offers free basic access, with premium features available for a subscription fee.

Q: What makes Hello English unique?
A: The app’s use of gamified modules and interactive exercises makes learning fun and engaging.

3. Enguru

Q: What languages can I learn on Enguru?
A: Enguru focuses on teaching English.

Q: How are the lessons on Enguru structured?
A: Enguru offers live classes with certified teachers and adaptive lessons tailored to the learner’s proficiency level.

Q: Is Enguru free to use?
A: Enguru offers free basic access with premium classes available for more advanced learning.

Q: Can I get a certificate from Enguru?
A: Yes, Enguru provides certificates for completing certain courses, which can enhance your resume.

Q: What makes Enguru unique?
A: Enguru focuses on practical English skills and professional communication.

4. Language Curry

Q: What languages does Language Curry offer?
A: Language Curry offers courses in Hindi, Punjabi, Marathi, and other Indian languages.

Q: Is Language Curry free to use?
A: Language Curry offers a free version with basic features and a premium version for full access.

Q: Does Language Curry include cultural lessons?
A: Yes, Language Curry integrates cultural tips and common phrases to enhance the learning experience.

Q: Which platforms is Language Curry available on?
A: Language Curry is available on iOS and Android.

Q: What makes Language Curry unique?
A: The app’s integration of cultural context with language learning makes it unique.

5. Voxy India

Q: How does Voxy personalize the learning experience?
A: Voxy uses AI-driven lessons and content based on real-life scenarios to tailor the learning experience to individual needs.

Q: Is Voxy suitable for corporate training?
A: Yes, Voxy offers corporate training solutions and courses tailored to professional development.

Q: Can I try Voxy before subscribing?
A: Voxy may offer a trial period; check their website for the latest information on trials and subscriptions.

Q: Which platforms is Voxy available on?
A: Voxy is available on iOS and Android.

Q: What makes Voxy unique?
A: Voxy’s AI-driven personalized lessons and professional development courses make it stand out.

6. iTalki

Q: How does iTalki work?
A: iTalki connects learners with native-speaking tutors for personalized one-on-one lessons.

Q: What languages are available on iTalki?
A: iTalki offers courses in over 100 languages, including English, Spanish, French, and many more.

Q: How do I schedule lessons on iTalki?
A: Learners can schedule lessons at their convenience directly with tutors through the iTalki platform.

Q: What is the subscription model for iTalki?
A: iTalki operates on a pay-per-lesson model.

Q: What makes iTalki unique?
A: Direct interaction with native speakers provides authentic conversational practice.

7. FluentU

Q: What makes FluentU different from other language learning platforms?
A: FluentU uses real-world videos, such as movie clips and news, to teach languages, providing an immersive learning experience.

Q: Can I use FluentU offline?
A: FluentU offers an offline mode for subscribers to download and use content without internet access.

Q: How much does FluentU cost?
A: FluentU operates on a paid subscription model, with various plans available. Check their website for the latest pricing information.

Q: Which platforms is FluentU available on?
A: FluentU is available on iOS, Android, and the web.

Q: What makes FluentU unique?
A: Immersive learning through engaging, real-life video content, making the learning process enjoyable and effective.

8. Step by The Hindu

Q: How does Step by The Hindu help improve English skills?
A: Step by The Hindu uses interactive video lessons, mini-games, and reliable tests to improve English skills.

Q: Can I track my progress on Step by The Hindu?
A: Yes, the app offers progress tracking and regular tests to monitor improvement.

Q: Is there a free version of Step by The Hindu?
A: Yes, the app offers free daily content with premium courses available for more advanced learning.

Q: Which platforms is Step by The Hindu available on?
A: Step by The Hindu is available on iOS and Android.

Q: What makes Step by The Hindu unique?
A: Learning from experts with interactive tools and progress tracking features makes it unique.

9. EngVarta

Q: How does EngVarta help with English practice?
A: EngVarta provides one-on-one practice sessions with live experts over phone calls.

Q: Is EngVarta free to use?
A: EngVarta offers free video lessons and practice tips, with premium one-on-one sessions available.

Q: Can I maintain anonymity on EngVarta?
A: Yes, users can maintain anonymity while practicing with experts.

Q: Which platforms is EngVarta available on?
A: EngVarta is available on iOS and Android.

Q: What makes EngVarta unique?
A: Personalized practice environment with live experts makes it stand out.

10. Freadom

Q: What age group is Freadom designed for?
A: Freadom is designed for children aged 3-12.

Q: How does Freadom help improve reading skills?
A: Freadom uses personalized content, audiobooks, and reading challenges to build confidence and reading skills in English.

Q: Is there a cost associated with using Freadom?
A: Freadom offers cost-effective tuition, with various subscription plans available.

Q: Which platforms is Freadom available on?
A: Freadom is available on iOS and Android.

Q: What makes Freadom unique?
A: Building confidence and reading skills through engaging and fun features makes Freadom unique.

Last Updated on Friday, June 28, 2024 12:33 pm by Entrepreneur Live Team

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